Begonia x semperflorens–cultorum

Wax begonias have long been a staple of Texas Landscapes. But, this recently introduced series distinguishes itself with large leaves on large plants that have enormous flowers held well above the foliage for a showy display. They are outstanding in shade and partial shade and will tolerate full sun except in extreme heat. Both green and bronze foliage types are available with red or rose flowers. “Everything is bigger in Texas” and Whopper begonias fit the bill!

Exposure: Does best in partial to full shade; also does well in morning sun and will tolerate full sun except in extreme heat, especially with low relative humidity

Size: Height — in shade can reach 24 to 30 inches tall with a 12 to 16 inch spread; will be shorter and more compact with more sun

Plant type: Annual

Planting time: Best in spring just after frost, but can be planted later; will be more heat and sun tolerant if allowed to establish well prior to summer heat; if planting in mid–summer, a shady location is advised

Soil type: A well prepared bed with organic matter and good drainage is best, but tolerant of soil types; should be kept moist, but not too wet; moderately drought tolerant

Suggested uses: Excellent for mass bedding, in mixed borders, and in containers

Special notes: Be careful not to overwater, especially if growing in containers

For further information: New Texas Superstar introduced: Whopper begonias