Texas A&M AgriLife Research / Texas A&M AgriLife Extension

Employees of these two state agencies cooperate with faculty at Texas A&M University to test, select and recommend outstanding ornamentals for use in Texas landscapes. Faculty, researchers, Extension specialists and county Extension horticulturists grow and evaluate the advanced selections, and those chosen are recommended to Texas nursery/floral growers for production in quantities needed to meet the demand.

Texas Department of Agriculture

The Texas Department of Agriculture through its Go Texan program provides a valuable service to the Texas Superstar® effort by providing a beautiful full-color brochure of the Texas Superstar® plants to the public and to retailers by request.

Texas Nursery & Landscape Association

TNLA is the professional organization of the Texas nursery/floral growers, retailers, and landscape service industry. TNLA helps the Texas Superstar® team “spread the word” about the latest selections by providing information through their monthly publication and at the Growers Expo.