Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia

The Rio series mandevillas sport glossy foliage and broad, showy, trumpet–shaped flowers that come in pink, hot pink, and deep red. These mandevillas grow upright with little twining. These compact plants grow best in patio containers, and can be grown alone or mixed with other annuals wherever a splash of color is needed. They tolerate summer heat, but would benefit from some afternoon shade.

Exposure: Full sun for part day; likes afternoon shade

Size: Height — 2 feet tall; width — 2 feet wide

Plant type: Treat as a summer annual in most of Texas; perennial in south Texas

Planting time: Early summer

Soil type: Well drained container mix, or in soil bed with high organic matter

Suggested use: Accent plant in container on patio

Special notes: Excellent plant around pools or wherever a colorful, tropical effect is needed

For further information: Rio Series Mandevilla named Texas Superstar®