Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii

A rapidly growing, coarse textured plant that produces a profusion of “turban–like” flowers in various colors ranging from bright red to pink to white. Flowers attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Plants produce abundant suckers from the base and the upright stems branch infrequently. Turk’s cap is native to south Texas, where it becomes an established perennial, but in north Texas is should be used as an annual. Turk’s Cap is very drought tolerant once established. The cultivar ‘Pam Puryear’ has soft pink flowers; and ‘Fiesta’ is a variegated form with yellow and white splotched leaves.

Hardiness: Zone 7b – 11

Exposure: Sun or shade; flowers heavier in sun, but the foliage is more attractive with some shade

Size: Height — 3 to 6 feet with about equal spread

Bloom time: Summer till frost

Notes: Root–hardy perennial in most of Texas