Rosa ‘Nacogdoches

This deep yellow shrub rose named ‘Grandma’s Yellow’ is upright and bushy. ‘Grandma’s Yellow’ flower is deep yellow with 17–25 petals and it repeat blooms from spring until the first hard frost. Its new leaves have a shade of bronze, then turn dark green. Flowers have a light and spicy fragrance. With a full sun exposure, it reaches 4 feet to 5 feet in height and 3 feet width. It is a repeat bloomer from spring until frost and is quite disease resistant.

Exposure: Full sun for at least 6 hours per day

Size: Height — 4–5 feet tall

Plant type: Shrub rose with a floribunda type habit

Planting time: Anytime from containers

Soil type: Well drained slightly acidic soil is best, but it adapts to alkaline clay soils as long as drainage is adequate

Suggested uses: Accent, shrub border with perennials, low hedges, cut flowers

Special notes: Grandma’s Yellow rose is hardy through most of the state, but may need some protection in USDA hardiness zone 6; if own root plants are grown, new shoots should sprout from the crown after severely cold winters; it is disease tolerant, but can be attacked by black spot during wet periods mainly in the spring and fall; a few fungicide applications in the spring or during long wet periods will control the disease, but plants tolerate the disease well by readily producing new growth after defoliation; does best with regular watering and fertilization