Euphorbia hypericifolia (syn. Chamaesyce hypericifolia)

Relatives of the crown of thorns and poinsettia, these tough perennials provide mounds of color in the landscape from fall to spring in all parts of Texas. They are not fond of summer heat, especially in humid areas. These cold and drought tolerant plants are reported to be deer–resistant, and they make great additions to containers and rock gardens. In the western parts of Texas, these tough perennials provide durable color throughout the year. For a tight mounding plant of bluish green foliage, select “Tiny Tim.” If you wish to have more of a red or dark maroon color, try “Blackbird.” “Rudolph” has dark green foliage with red accents. “Tasmanian Tiger” or “Glacier Blue” is notable for excellent cream and green variegated foliage. All are recommended.
Hardiness: Zones 6 to 8
Exposure: Full sun
Size: Height 1 – 2 feet
Bloom time: Spring; leaves color up in the fall and provide good winter color
Notes: Very pest and disease resistant
Read more:
Fight droughty dullness with cool-season euphorbias

From left to right, Ascot Rainbow, Tiny Tim, Blackbird, Ruby Glow and Glacier Blue. Cool-season euphorbias can add splashes of lime green, cream, pink and maroon with either solid or variegated foliage.
(Texas AgriLife Extension Service photo by Robert Burns)