Graptophyllum pictum

Caricature Plant has long been popular as a houseplant due to its superior tolerance to low light conditions while maintaining dense nicely variegated foliage. Not surprisingly, Caricature Plant turns out to be an excellent summer annual for a wide range of light conditions from full sun to dense shade. Several new cultivars on the market offer foliage that varies from dark green or chocolate bronze with creamy white centers to tricolor foliage with various combinations of green, white, cream and pink. Great contrasts can be created by using different cultivars together or by pairing it with other bright colored foliage plants like Variegated Tapioca. Short spikes of purple–red narrow trumpet shaped flowers are sometimes produced to add to the primary impact of the foliage.

Exposure: Full sun to dense shade

Size: Height — 2 to 4 feet as an annual, 6 to 8 feet as a tropical shrub

Plant type: summer annual (cold climates) or woody shrub (tropics)

Planting time: Anytime from containers as a shrub, late spring for use as a summer annual

Soil type: Tolerant of most soils as long as they remain moist during the growing season

Suggested uses: This species is at its best in locations with variable light levels as it will maintain a dense canopy with good foliage color in full sun to dense shade; this makes it ideal for those transition beds from sunny courtyards to the dense shade of entryways; it can also be used in interiorscapes and containers

Special notes: Caricature Plant is very heat tolerant, but wilts under drought conditions; it is cold sensitive and can be damaged by temperatures much below 55°F

For further information: Caricature Plant – A Texas Superstar® With Summer Foliage Color That Shines!