Quercus polymorpha, Mexican White Oak, Monterrey Oak
Mexican white oak, Monterrey oak, or Coahuila oak is a fairly recent introduction in the nursery trade, but it makes an excellent shade tree and is tolerant to the extremes of the Texas environment. The Mexican oak with its dense, vibrant green foliage performs best in full sun and is cold hardy to USDA zone 7 and likely to the warmer areas of zone 6. Mexican white oak is tolerant to moderate salinity and grows in a wide range of soil pH. It is semi-evergreen, being mostly deciduous in zones 8 and colder, and nearly evergreen in warmer areas of its range.
Hardiness: Zone 7
Exposure: Full sun
Size: 35 to 45 feet
Bloom time: March to May
Care: Seldom troubled by diseases or pests, but it has not been extensively evaluated for oak wilt resistance. Its use in areas where oak wilt infestations are a problem should be avoided.
For further Information: Mexican white oak named Texas Superstar shade tree